It seems to me that the Second Amendment misses the point. Rather than focusing on the possession of a particular tool, what is needed is an Amendment that lays out when force can be exercised, against whom, and under what circumstances. It should apply to every person, including police officers.
So, for instance, I would envision it to look something like this:
Every person has the right to defend themselves from unlawful physical violence. While engaged in self-defense, that person must respect the principles of proportionality, and exhaust all peaceful means of resolution prior to using force. The use of weapons is prohibited unless to lawfully counter the known existence of equivalent opposing weaponry. Laws regarding possession of weaponry are to apply equally to all civilians, including public servants."
- Makes it so that citizens can possess the same weapons that police can, but no more, without the need for specialized regulations
- Makes it so that all police have to do to get weapons off the street is disarm themselves; provides an incentive to de-escalate the militarization of police
- Recognizes the inherent right to self-defense
- Requires all people to demonstrate a rational, reasonable need to engage in a particular act of violence, including police officers
- Prohibits the sort of excessive police weaponry and tactics that is so troublesome these days
- Allows for gun control, but that gun control must be applied to all civilians