by exploited » Fri Jun 06, 2014 4:40 pm
She could use a knife, learn a martial art, scream, call police, or do whatever else the rest of the women in the Western world do. You're acting as if guns have succeeded at preventing crimes from happening, meanwhile your crime rate is either the same (minus murders of course) or worse than every other first world country. On a societal level, guns have not worked to control or prevent crime. Individual examples abound, of course, but they do for the other side (people doing retardedly stupid stuff with guns) as well.
The point is, this issue is not at all what you are making it out to be, further proof that gun ownership is not a right (nothing is - all rights are privileges and the entire concept is a convenient fiction that can and should be changed from time to time). The idea that if the US decides to put aside a contentious issue it must put aside all contentious issues is equally as fallacious. You can choose to abolish the Second Amendment and empower the Sixth, for instance. You can choose to end federal limits on gun control while strengthening federal protection of reproductive rights.
So, to conclude: the reason why you should abolish the Second is because you can finally get what you want, while also putting aside a stupidly divisive issue that is doing tremendous harm to your government. If the people of your State want no gun control, have at it. If they want moderate gun control focused on handguns, as most states do, have at it. This "right" simply does not have the importance it is treated as having.