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Piers Morgan Versus Ted Nugent
Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:40 am
by PoS
Re: Piers Morgan Versus Ted Nugent
Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:51 am
by RoyBatty
Ted took that worthless Brit to school full stop. I was so very happy when I caught this on TV. What's even more poignant from this interview is how the anti-gun folks consider Ted Nugent to be a knuckle dragging redneck, yet he slam dunked their most vocal and pseudo-intellectual asshat like a red headed stepchild.
This was nothing less than mounds and mounds of awesome.
Re: Piers Morgan Versus Ted Nugent
Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:58 am
by Grandma Death
Ban the penis.
Re: Piers Morgan Versus Ted Nugent
Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:37 am
by Precocity
Typical Piers Morgan trying to get the upper hand and really didn't but Nugent dropped the ball twice. First as soon as Morgan said "does anyone need one (AR-15) of those", Nugent missed a golden opportunity. Gun rights advocates continue to miss that opportunity.
And then Morgan, showing further proof that the trick to sway opinion is the golden comparison smoke screen which Nugent was also not prepared for. The two countries with the most guns - the U.S. and Yemen. Nugent disappointed me because to be such an outspoken advocate for guns and knowing full well the capability of his adversary to deflect and dis-inform, he should have seen that coming and be ready. He didn't even know about Yemen (which is true they are #2) and he should have been ready to shoot that one down also. Of course he pulled a Piers and deflected it to Mexico, Chicago, etc. and pretty much countered that fallacy. But playing one fallacy against another isn't a win.
In all, neither side really won that debate on gun control in my opinion but Nugent did hold his own against Morgan's attempt to try and make him look foolish.
Re: Piers Morgan Versus Ted Nugent
Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:45 am
by NAB
I'm afraid if I go to the trouble of watching these two "heavyweights" duke it out, the only loser will be me.
Re: Piers Morgan Versus Ted Nugent
Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:52 am
by WizardfromOz
Re: Piers Morgan Versus Ted Nugent
Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:58 am
by Precocity
Well that was the first mistake right there for Piers Morgan thinking he could ever get the moral high ground. Now drama high ground is more like it.
Re: Piers Morgan Versus Ted Nugent
Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:07 am
by WizardfromOz
Re: Piers Morgan Versus Ted Nugent
Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:08 am
by Precocity
I guess not.
Re: Piers Morgan Versus Ted Nugent
Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:24 pm
by Medius
I love that 53% of people want semi-automatics banned when 53% of the population doesn't know what the hell a semi-automatic is. A significant portion of people think a semi-automatic is a weapon with which you can hold down the trigger to continuously fire.
Ted had his issues during the interview, he really could have kept focus on the clear ignorance of the interviewer, but he stepped out to other hot button topics where he shouldn't have bothered.
If Piers Morgan can't understand that the real goal is to reduce deaths overall, not shift the deaths to another weapon, he doesn't need to participate on any other topics. Deaths by musket are way down, so I guess we don't have anything to worry about at all, right? Success!