Question for atheists and agnostics...and religious people too.
Christianity in America isn't going to go away in the near future. And since it's the largest religion in the world, it probably won't be going away in the other parts of the world either. But the way Christianity is taught differ greatly depending on the church. Catholic churches tend to be more uniform in what they teach. The Catholic doctrine goes through a strict governing body's approval before it's distributed. Catholic doctrines go through analysis and debate before they're changed and taught. However, many non-Catholic Christianity denominations don't have the central governing body. Many churches are just run by the local pastor and his ministry. As a result, the messages are not as unified, but pastors seem to have an easier time adopting their messages to fit the time.
So the question to atheist and agnostics is which method would you prefer to be the more more dominate method of teaching Christianity, given that you can't ban its teaching outright. Would you prefer the Catholic approach which is more methodical and analytical (although one could argue that analyzing an imaginary bearded guy is pointless), or would you prefer the non-Catholic approach which gives the pastor more freedom to interpret the bible (which may make the message more relevant to modern times, but may also create a cult of personality)?