by fstarcstar » Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:23 pm
Guys, Windows Phone and Microsoft are not dead by any means. Windows Phone holds like 4-5% marketshare in the US and its claimed by many of you that its doomed to fail, yet Apple owns like 5% of PC's and Google Chrome probably doesn't even have more than 3% at this point. So why is it we love to say they are failing when they have actually seen year over year growth and an initial app store growth with comparisons to Apples? I'd like to think that within 5 years Windows Phones will have at least 10-15% marketshare for phones, and my bets are that if Nokia doesn't gain the marketshare they want by 2016 (when MS-Nokia deal ends) they will sell their handset business to MS who will build their own phone anyways.