Re: Private Moon Mission
Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:10 pm
by Sparse1
Why would a private company want to go to the moon though??
I'm all for exploration and forging new horizons but as far as I can recall there isn't anything really exciting on the moon.
Re: Private Moon Mission
Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:37 pm
by eric
The only real problem I can foresee is the wear and tear of the lack of gravity, at least for anything permanent.
Re: Private Moon Mission
Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:02 pm
by fstarcstar
I always joke with people I know, and that everytime we made it to a new human frontier someone always died. Ships, cars, space, etc. Doesn't matter what the topic is, we needed a guy to strap wings on his back and jump off a building to tell us its not possible. I will let the future commercial space program kill off the first timers and people who want to do it. Then after its been perfected and the kinks were worked out, I just might join them.