by Spider » Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:27 pm
Valve is on crack.
Not saying I wouldn't be more than happy to game on a Linux box, and escape displays of evil retardation and f*ck-puddle-ism like Win8. But I don't think that's even close to true for the 98% who wouldn't know Linux from a paper towel dispenser.
On the other hand, MS isn't moving Surfaces like they wanted to, and hopefully they'll abandon this horrendous interface after all.
Honestly...what I want to know is how long is it going to take before someone takes the third path: Not OSX, which is closed off and locked onto idiotically overpriced hardware, and not Windows, which gets screwed over by third party bloatware, and installed on bottom of the barrel hardware, thus dragging the whole platform through the mud....but something that has the finances behind it that Linux doesn't, that can be installed on whatever you like, and doesn't require novices to dick around with compilers and command lines, and the lack of a traditional file system.
Perhaps something unix-based, like OSX, but not locked down like a prison camp.
As it stands, linux isn't the answer. Not until someone can finally iron out the last of the things preventing easy migration from Windows/OSX.
Apparently they're releasing a steam console soon after all. Not expecting it to make much of a splash.