Re: ESA Lands on Comet

Wed Nov 12, 2014 6:08 pm
by John Galt
also it has solar power, you can see the panels in your picture. they will be destroyed in march by the sun though
and the harpoons were to keep it there while the screws attached it. hopefully the screws still work
Re: ESA Lands on Comet

Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:43 am
by uebermann
Its working! Not in an ideal place for sunlight but it is able to run some tests until the batteries go out.
Wonder if they can just put it on "sleep" mode and see if the batteries get recharged slowly over a few days/weeks. At any rate, images and data are coming back for now.
Re: ESA Lands on Comet

Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:58 am
by Professor
This is some pretty cool stuff.
Got so aggravated at CNN this morning. They have Bill Nye on to talk about it. Yet, all they could focus on was how the harpoon didn't work, and that it was a failure. Bill got a little miffed, and basically told them that not everything always goes right with these things, and that there are still plenty of things that they can do. And, ultimately, they succeeded in landing something roughly 1.8 sqkm on something that is roughly 29sqkm, travelling over 62,000mph, and over 250 million miles away.
Re: ESA Lands on Comet

Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:25 am
by Nate501
If they only had that thing in Armageddon Bruce Willis would still be alive...