No, I don't think every item needs to be accessible. And I'm not sold by the DOJ pressing for every new E-Reader to be an accessible one, given the difference in cost v. performance--i.e., the Touch might be great for the blind, but it would suck for a seeign person to read on (the TOuch is the same size as the iphone right? yeah, i dont' want to read on that crap).
But my point is that the case isn't as egregious as you think it is. It's actually pretty damn reasonable for blind people to want access to E-Readers, just like seeing individuals. This is an example of the ADA largely working, not an example of a baseless lawsuit like that in the OP.
I totally agree with you that it's ridiculous they have to purchase ALL accessible e-readers now though. That's a step too far. probably a local DOJ official trying to beef up his resume by showing a big get. *sigh* it happens.