as an eagle scout i feel conflicted about this change
i think it's super awesome for the girls. they now have a choice with all-girl Girl Scouts and the newly co-ed Boy Scouts. girls can now choose Boy Scouts, which I think is the superior organization that does much more outdoorsy type stuff, if they want to
but boys get no choice. i was, like much of the boy scouts, fairly socially awkward preteen and teenager. boy scouts was a reprieve from the pressures of hormones raging at that age and needing to impress girls. throwing girls into the mix of the one thing that was only for boys? i think this really is a detriment. and like I said, they are deprived of all choice in the matter.
in addition, you now have preteens and teens camping together in the woods with limited adult supervision. a two-man tent might have just boys or just girls in it, until 3 am when they senak out and switch places so they can f**k each other (or something more criminal). i'm not going to be a prude but 13 year olds sleeping together is not going to end well for either of them, and could end very badly