by wormwood » Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:27 pm
Which is worse, lashings for premarital sex, or extrajudicial assassinations based on little or no evidence of any crime whatsoever?
There seems to be a trend in the US specifically, that anyone who does not agree with our version of morality are idiots who need to be changed or destroyed. Some of the same people in this thread appalled by the lack of tolerance in other nations, were in another thread saying that people in Kansas should not be allowed to decide what is taught in their own schools and mocked anyone who disagreed.
Just looking at the pragmatic moral argument, what has our version of sexual liberation and tolerance brought us? Divorce and abortions are up, and the family is disintegrating. Why are we so assured that these values need to be exported, and why would any traditional society want to emulate us?
For among other evils which being unarmed brings you, it causes you to be despised
-Nicolo Machiavelli