I expect someone is gonna make a grab for my ass at work at some point. Most reasonable customers are gonna expect to get their arms twisted if they do. However, there is probably gonna be a quick look of surprise on my face when it actually does happen right before the customer gets a quick look of surprise as I grab the offending wrist and start twisting it while driving my nails into into the skin(they aren't just there to look pretty and make y'all fantasize about them running up your back in a fit of passion

I'm pretty sure Robert Plant has had his share of being charged by over excited chicks in his career and, if you've ever seen Song Remains the Same, you know he was good for stuffing his jeans and wearing his shirts wide open and he was, OMG, so f**k hawt and when he sang "Whole Lotta Love" and did the Moaning part, well, that was just pure "sex on a vinyl slab".