by Mathurin » Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:26 pm
Speech is the expression of ideas, the 1st ammendment specifically protects political, religious, and artistic speech.
All the noises that come out of your mouth are not speech.
Lies are not speech, thus, falsely shouting fire in a theatre is not speech, blocking traffic is not speech.
Harrassment is not speech, thus blocking entry and otherwise preventing access to a legitimate venue, especially a political venue, is not speech. In fact its a crime against speech. In effect this is yet another protection against mob rule.
Directly inciting violence is not expressing ideas, we consider it one step below actually committing violence. Free speech is about the expression of ideas, if your ideas require direct incitement to violence in a democratic state, you should probably rethink them.
In the link I posted Ukraine is considering banning the spreading of an idea, using the same "right" that other european nation have used to ban hate speech, a right to not be offended. This is wrong.