by Gremlin » Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:38 pm
The societal norms have indeed degenerated into TV baby sitters and the Xbox into a hand eye coordination tool.
From what i have seen the zoning and makeup of our communities also has a large hand in this problem. You can go to places like Queens and be in walking distance from the corner store and park to play in. As we move west you need a car for everything and the housing tracks are built so tight that the narrow streets are lined with those cars. This problem is one that would need a cultural moment to drive the change.
The factor i believe playing into the increased injuries that can be changed the fastest is to ween back the artificial and chemical ingestion. Again this would need a cultural movement and has already started in pockets. About a decade back when i began to make this move it took serious commitment to make the efforts to eliminate the crud and still having everything i love (ie: pancakes,... MMmm pancakes). Today in certain places you can find an all natural/organic alternative to everything. New grocery chains have popped up specializing in this market, restaurants pride themselves in this move, and "No [bullshit ingredient here]" is an advertizing +plus. ...Most you guys already know.
Some of the latter will require a political solution such as water fluoridation and vaccinations, but that is already moving as a growing wave with the awareness completely changing the dialog. With excitotoxins being pushed onto the population by the ruling classes. Those same systems being completely discredited, education on why cancer, neurological illnesses, autism, and new diseases cropping up are exploding explicitly illustrates that the ruling classes dont have any moral hurdles to climb to keep pushing its poisons.
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