Re: Sex, Monogamy and Relationships
Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:12 pm
by exploited
Haha, epic story from Non. This is why we love you.
On a personal level, my wife and I are monogamous, but we have experimented with non-mongamy before. Generally speaking, we enjoyed our experiences. As a lifestyle, we aren't really interested in it: the idea of doing something like that often is both unattractive (i.e. whorish), dangerous (STDs) and ultimately damaging to the relationship (much the same way a big mac is fine, but a big mac everyday is not).
However, I think that a general move away from monogamy would be greatly beneficial for society. Perhaps one of the biggest traits I've seen in relationships is a sense of possessiveness. This spawns into all sorts of negative behaviour: abuse, cheating, dishonesty, etc. I also think that many people are not really built to be monogamous, which is why so many married people end up cheating. In other words, I think that society should stop emphasizing the "inherent moral value" of monogamy, and give equal credence to the idea of "different strokes for different folks."
One of the most common scenarios is a guy proposing a threeway to his SO. The SO proposes a devils threeway in return. The guy rejects it. This sort of inequality of perception needs to be done away with. Men will frequently say "I can't help but look, desire, want," but they will not extend the same proposed courtesy to their SO. You even alluded to it, and you are all-around a reasonable guy
Re: Sex, Monogamy and Relationships
Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:49 pm
by exploited
I don't think monogamy causes possessiveness... it is the other way around. Without that sense of jealous rage love seems to imbibe in some, monogamy would be non-existent. I just wonder if, as a society, we are ready to move past those instincts, as many couples seem to be doing.
Ultimately some people legitimately prefer monogamy... but most of the time, people only prefer monogamy for their partner, but not themselves.
Re: Sex, Monogamy and Relationships
Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:05 pm
by exploited
I tend to agree with you there!