Re: Political Correctness Run Amok
Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:24 am
by The Dharma Bum
I think women are really who controls society, simply because they control the home and are mainly who socialize the children. The emergence of the state as a moderating force in human social relations has modified that reality slightly by introducing the nuclear family unit but not by much.
The biological role of men is more that of an interchangeable heavy lifter and provisioner who can come and go without changing the social dynamic very much.
That's part of the reason why that before the state subjugated all individuals human society had a matriarchal basis. No one really knew who their father was and if there were irreconcilable domestic differences a man left the home and went back to his parents or to the home of another woman.
Re: Political Correctness Run Amok
Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:25 am
by The Dharma Bum
bossiness is biology in other words
Re: Political Correctness Run Amok
Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:36 am
by Professor
I don't know. I still see lots of stereotypes like this. My CEO is female. She's been called numerous names like this, just because she's a type-A go-getter. She has no patience for fools or foolish notions. She expects everyone to work as hard has her. And, she pushes us to be better. She's been called bossy, overbearing, petulant, etc. Yet, she is none of those things. In fact, she is less than other, male, CEOs that I've worked under.
Another example is my Director of HR. I've heard her called a "heartless bitch". To her face, and I was in their presence. She was doing nothing that wasn't her job, and was even showing more restraint and care than I would have. Yet, when a man does something like this, he's simply viewed as dispassionate, or even corporate-minded.
I'm surrounded by very successful women. My mother, my wife, my sister-in-law, certain female co-workers. And all of them, at one time or another, have been looked down upon professionally just because of their gender. While the glass ceiling (for them, specifically, at least) has been shattered, the stigma remains.
Re: Political Correctness Run Amok
Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:50 pm
by The Comrade
pretty sure most people hate type-a go-getters because they're usually insufferable to be around. has little to do with gender.
Re: Political Correctness Run Amok
Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:17 pm
by Professor
True (that most people hate that which they are not). But, to hate what a person DOES is one thing. To hate who a person IS happens to be quite another.