Re: What does credit score say about you?
Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:15 pm
by Philly
Agree that employers shouldn't be allowed to use credit checks to make a decision on job candidates. I would be ok with having some kind of exemption process if the employer can demonstrate a special circumstance where the job they are filling is unique and shouldn't be filled by someone with a bad personal financial history, but I can think of very few situations where there's a job like this even in the reach of most f**k people.
It's a little bit of a tradeoff because there's a general ethos of letting employers determine who is best for the job, but we've done it before with discrimination laws. The main reason I would support banning this practice is that it people who a raised in poverty have a very low chance of pulling themselves into a position to get a career and make good without going into debt and f**k their credit along the way, so it's basically saying if you're a poor, we're going to close off the opportunities you have to earn money and have social mobility. Social mobility is already in terrible shape and we need to fix that.
I have good credit, and it's partially because I've never made it a habit to spend money I don't have or throw money around and worry about the consequences later, but equally or moreso because my parents were well off enough to get me to a good launching point in life without crushing debt. It's wrong that someone otherwise like me, but whose parents never had a dime to help them out would be considered a worse job candidate.
Re: What does credit score say about you?
Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:16 pm
by Saz
Credit score is flame. I'm not 25, haven't held a full time job, i churn credit cards, and have six figures of debt. Credit score is like 790. I can totally see why dumbs would think it's a total conspiracy or something.
Re: What does credit score say about you?
Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:45 pm
by Saz
I agreed with you, the first word I said was "yea" you dunce.