by The Dharma Bum » Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:07 am
are you guys familiar with the lore of ancient Egypt?
they believed that the source of creation was called Atum (atom? monad?) and that the world is a byproduct of Atum's attempts to know himself. To have information about himself he had to first become something instead of nothing. After he became a thing he noticed he was moving along, and then having noticed his own movement he realized that something had passed. Atum becoming conscious had brought forth time and space.
This was the birth of the first neter, or divinity, from the nothingness and from this beginning all things emanate and are a part of. the first divinity was Shu, or the past, the second was Tefnut, the future.
So, this is a pretty profound allegory for the most current cutting edge cosmological theories