So this is going to be a short op since i'm not really proposing a plan, simply an idea of discussion.
as we all know our current economic system is predicated on growth. no growth and the economy kind of shuts down. to not beat around the bush, capitalism requires this. the world is globalized because as local markets saturated, foreign markets were required. this isn't a huge deal in and of itself.
however, there are finite markets and there are finite resources. I think the former is easier to deal with, so i'm going to focus on the latter.
how does a global economy deal with the issue of finite resources when it's model of success is based on continued growth?
for example, one of the biggest necessities is population growth to feed markets. well, eventually we won't be capable of supporting any more people (environmental impacts aside) although an even worse problem may be the economy not capable of feeding the people (in more ways than just food). the natural reaction of a group in crisis is to keep doing what it knows, but more. So we'll intensify capitalism. prices will go up, etc etc. all the usual capitalist crap will happen. this isn't very sustainable though.
to avoid rambling on and on, and because i think i've given enough of a prompt, how do we go about solving this? "society collapses and we die" or variations are not suitable answers