by Aaron » Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:27 am
I think privacy is a little more of an evolutionary concept than most Americans would like to admit. What it means to have anonymity in today's world means to hide in plain sight. If you don't want people interested in you on the net, don't be interesting. And do the rudimentary things needed to keep your financial property safe.
The Frontline show was interesting, infuriating, but kind of expected... did we think the government didn't employ any more people who thought themselves more rational than most and capable of calmly deciding who's lives should be ruined, ended, or saved? It's just another take on sociopathy... and slowly crumbling democracy... not particularly stunning.
I also didn't really appreciate the overly done "We at the NSA were just huddled round the water cooler crying as the planes hit the towers" bullshit. Yeah they were all watching it happen like everyone else. Condescending pieces of shit