MLB 2016

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Re: MLB 2016

Postby Philly » Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:13 am

Definitely the best game 7 I've ever seen, and the fact that it was between the two longest droughted teams in MLB made it even better.
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Re: MLB 2016

Postby John Galt » Thu Nov 03, 2016 12:31 pm

the last world series game 7 extra innings game was in 1997.

cleveland lost that one too

as a twins fan of course the 1991 championship i would say was very exciting, and i was all of 8 when i watched it... it had three extra innings games, including the final game where Morris, the twins pitcher, refused to be relieved for the entire game. 10 innings the man pitched, 10 scoreless innings. thats a different kind of excitement, but it was a very exciting series. this series is the most exciting series i've watched in recent memory and probably tops that one.

i was just giving my colleague in cleveland a hard time on the phone, at the end of a meeting shouting into the phone, "mike mike mike stay on! oh, good. DID YOU SEE THAT GAME LAST NIGHT?". i mean, it was an amazing game. i know it's little solace for the fans but it showcased how damn exciting baseball is
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