PCF stereotypes

I'm in hardcore procrastination mode, so, i was thinking how i embody the VCPR academic who wears fuzzy sweaters and finds everything "terribly interesting." here are some stereotypes:
me- lefty rainbow coalition academic. do the right thing-watching, henry louis gates jr, cornel west-reading pinko.
non- lawyers who reads on the train
ex- 90s alt rock grunge, alternative occupation. angsty version: nu-metal, tats. could also be a panhandler who accosts passers-by with long rambling expositions about his idiosyncratic vision of society.
com- 4chan, anime subreddit nerd. the internet, circa late adolescence.
winchester- salt o the earth middle america.
saz- fratboi (with an "i"). if he was less angsty could pull a tom from parks and rec.
jimmy- drunk uncle, though less old fogey-ish.
me- lefty rainbow coalition academic. do the right thing-watching, henry louis gates jr, cornel west-reading pinko.
non- lawyers who reads on the train
ex- 90s alt rock grunge, alternative occupation. angsty version: nu-metal, tats. could also be a panhandler who accosts passers-by with long rambling expositions about his idiosyncratic vision of society.
com- 4chan, anime subreddit nerd. the internet, circa late adolescence.
winchester- salt o the earth middle america.
saz- fratboi (with an "i"). if he was less angsty could pull a tom from parks and rec.
jimmy- drunk uncle, though less old fogey-ish.