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Books for beginners

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:27 pm
by broken robot
Post books or other texts in whatever field or area you're formally or informally interested in (mechanics, taxes, business, US history, film criticism, whatever) that you'd recommend to someone seeking to learn more.

Since I'm interested in social theory and politics in Southern countries, I'd recommend Marxism and Literature by Raymond Williams, The Politics of the Governed by Partha Chatterjee and The Anti-Politics Machine by James Ferguson. Fairly clear and accessible, and the first offers a useful genealogy of basic concepts.

I'd personally like to see something on taxes and basic finance, since we seem to talk so much about how millenials are in debt and how to get out of it.

Re: Books for beginners

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 10:01 pm
by Stratego
I'd start off with Youtube.

Re: Books for beginners

PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 8:29 am
by Professor
Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell - good book that explains why successful people are successful.

Mergers and Acquisitions - Andrew Sherman - good guide to the subject.

National Government - William Anderson - written in 1946, it is very interesting to read both for the subject matter itself and the historical nature. Basically, it's written in an era of "service to country" not "service to party/self".

Art of War - Sun Tzu - just read it.