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Moderate Nazism
Sat Oct 18, 2014 9:51 pm
by Stratego
If the Nazis were to win WWII (as in militarily defeat the Allies), would they be able to maintain power with Hitler's vision for Nazism? Do you think Germany would need to have adopted a more moderate version of Nazism over time to maintain enough popular support? Would it have been possible for Nazism to move away from radicalization and become more moderate given its rhetoric?
Re: Moderate Nazism
Sat Oct 18, 2014 10:38 pm
by eynon81
depends on how they survived. the plan was to liquidate everyone who worked as part of the final solution and then...em...bury the evidence.
ironic alternate reality is where the US is stronger as Asia and Russia are part of the "nato" fold.
Re: Moderate Nazism
Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:58 am
by The Comrade
Yes. Hitler built Germany entirely around a war econimy that wasn't very stable. Economics alone would have forced them to change.
Re: Moderate Nazism
Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:52 am
by The Dharma Bum
Well we built our own economy following the model established during WWII. The MIC provides a lot of the better jobs and drives things like technological development.
what if Nazis LiteĀ® would have achieved global hegemony rather than the US? I think it's an open question.
Re: Moderate Nazism
Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:17 am
by The Comrade
our economy is not a war time economy of the nazis. Defense spending is actually not that bif of a job creator.
Re: Moderate Nazism
Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:29 am
by The Dharma Bum
while it is certainly not a "nazi economy", whatever you mean by that, the US economy is literally a war time economy, built on the model used in the post depression build up of military strength needed for WWII
Interestingly, Henry Clay's American System is modeled after the ideas of economist Friedrich List, as was the Nazi system. Both foster nationalism by design
the main points are :
Protectionism of strategic industries, central banking, and major infrastructure projects by the state
its only since the 90s that we have abandoned that and experimented with free trade, which has been a disaster
Re: Moderate Nazism
Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:55 am
by The Comrade
It literally is not because it literally is not that big of a job creator because we literally have a service economy because we're literally in the 21st century and we literally don't have the manufacturing base to be what you're describing.
Re: Moderate Nazism
Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:27 am
by The Dharma Bum
yeah, thats because of free trade and is a recent development
all of the private manufacturing jobs went bye bye. The only ones left are heavy industries ie strategic defense industries, which are protected by the state..
that's the US economy.
Because of free trade we no longer see jobs as a strategic sector of the economy, to be protected by the state. Now its all about profits for global corporations and financial conglomerates, which are what creates a large and growing part of the private global economy. Small business is the other side of the private global economy and they are getting squeezed by the big boys in most arenas. (but not all)
The private global economy, one aspect of which is the service sector in the US, is quite simply not adequate to the task of feeding, clothing, and sheltering everyone on the planet. Americans are feeling it as their income levels are equalizing with those of the rest of the world, which is ascendancy by virtue of being the recipient of outsourced jobs from the US.
All since the free trade agreements of the 90s and later.
Re: Moderate Nazism
Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:48 am
by The Dharma Bum
because you have the type of limited "us vs them" mentality which has to view other contenders as nothing but purely bad on every level you cannot understand that some aspects of economic theory applied in germany before WWII, and elsewhere, were sound.
which means your original point was meaningless bollocks
the thing that screwed them both economically and militarily was lack of access to petroleum, not their economic structure which was quite sound and guided depression era germany into solvency
Re: Moderate Nazism
Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:16 am
by The Comrade
Lol okay. I'll deal with this when I'm off mobile.