When my current contract is up in about a month, I am officially retiring from full-time, job-specific employment. Over the course of the past two years, I've worked really hard to maximize the number of income sources I have. My goal was to retire early, but I've come to realize that I'd rather not retire, but instead enjoy life all the time, doing what I want and not getting tied down to any one source of income.
I'd like to hear tips from you guys, particularly financial and entrepreneurial.
Right now, I have five income sources:
1. Frozen pizza that I sell through a half-dozen local stores (about 30% of my income).
2. My contract position (about 40% of my income).
3. Investments (about 10% of my income - I typically invest a safe proportion of my savings into two one-year GICs, and then reinvest minus profit every year).
4. Computer refurbs (about 10% of my income and really easy - also it is all profit, since so many businesses and people are just desperate to get rid of their old stuff).
5. Miscellaneous (random graphic design or website jobs, random business opportunities, etc. - about 10%).
So as you can see, my contract position is the single greatest chunk. Representing 40% of my income, it needs to be replaced with something, or a number of things.
I can increase pizza sales more, but not without spending way more time on it, which I don't want to do.
I could invest more, as well as riskier, but frankly I don't know what I'm doing and I'm very risk averse with the stock market.
The computer thing is more like a profitable hobby, and due to the price of new computers, not likely to ever grow enough to replace the contract job.
Miscellaneous is sketchy because it's unreliable and unknown.
I have thought about becoming a notary public. I'm told it costs only a small amount and that you can charge good money for the service. I have also seen some success writing commercial and persuasive copy - which is a lot of fun but very competitive. I have considered becoming a professional RFP writer as well, since I've done it successfully a few times before.
Essentially, I'd like to hear how you guys make spare money, if you have any saavy tips or tricks for making a quick buck, or if you have any experiences going jobless you can share. I know Saz is a prodigy at getting free shit from credit card companies, and I'm sure there are lots of good ideas floating around here. Share them and let's get rich together.