Civ 4 Game!
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:44 am
Anyway here's the idea.
1) Everyone gets Civ 4, BTS v 3.19
2) Then get RoM:AND v1.75 and the C patch
SUPER f**k IMPORTANT, you must say yes to both formations and 'blue earth map (the bottom option) in the install or it will not work properly.
3)Post the time in gmt when you can devote at least 2 hours to getting the game up and running.
4) Choose a nation to play (The max is 18 people, so hopefully, should be ok). Whilst you'll have to pick a civ and thus one of its leadrs (who have various bonuses), its aesthetic and unique units and buildings. Don't worry if you think 'native americans' sounds stupid. So long as you can come up with a noun, adjective and description for what you actually want it to be called, it can be basically whatever you want (the mod we are using also changes the name of your civ based on its government, cool eh?). Confederanacy of Dakoria? Kingdom of Johnsonia? City state of Rick Perry? People's republic of silly cat pictures? Why the f**k not?
Civilisations as of 3041bc
-Johnsonia (aka the english) - Boris Johnson
-Rome - The Comrade
-The Iroquois - (reserved for the Dharma Bum)
-The Arabs
-The Chinese
-The Indians
(with no doubt more to come as the game goes on!)
Can't play right now, no worries. Civ4 allows us to put an A.I team of your choice in for you, that we won't kick the shit into too much for you to take over at a later stage. Or alternatively, jump in as one of the civilisations that has revolved from another civilisations (extra interesting if this happens to be from a civilisations of a poster, well, you don't necessarily 'get on with') or just one thats poped up mid game. I'll be keeping everyone else informed of whats going on in game every time we finishing one of the 2 hours (or whatever) sessions.
-Unlike civ4, unrest doesn't simply mean decreased production in a given city, its now capable of becoming srs buizness. Every city has a revindex (check with the little che icon top left), once a city gets to 1000 (you'll be warned at 900) it can revolt and turn into a new A.I controlled civilisations (the A.I no joke either as I previously detailed) and other cities near by above 600 can join in. You can either choose to placate them (let them join another civ or grant independence) or you can try and crush it. Watch out though, civil wars can be f**k brutal and the fact your having one will be broadcast to most if not everyone else playing.
-Stacks now act as single 'army' units. No more micromanaging, simply send them towards something you want deaded and units that can bombard will bombard (archers can now too), melee units will uh... melee, planes will pew pew pew.
-capturing cities can now give you access to the previous owners tech's
-forts can now expand territory.
-barbarians cities can now form their own civilisations that'll be 'minors' and thus hostile to everyone. Also if you let barbarians capture one of your cities, they become 'hordes' minor civs with lots of bonuses for fighting and shit. Careful, boyo.
-Fighting spreads influence, so again, careful not to go the way of the Western Roman empire.
-Tech's now spread, so if you think your going to remain at the cutting edge for ages, you won't.
-It ain't all about how many guns and knights and shit you've got, don't underestimate culture or trade, especially don't underestimate religion or guilds/corporations.
-check the civpedia (extreme top left, book icon) 'strategy guides' out.
-cities can go to 3 tiles out as opposed to just 2 now, careful though, starvation bad, unrest worse.
-great commanders can now act as range buffers for all units around them, I think far more useful that adding them to cities or attaching them to particular units.
-use alt-x or ctrl-x to help plan your cities
-if you fortify something that bombards, it'll take potshots at anything unfriendly that comes close to it.
-oh, and of course.
1) Everyone gets Civ 4, BTS v 3.19
2) Then get RoM:AND v1.75 and the C patch
SUPER f**k IMPORTANT, you must say yes to both formations and 'blue earth map (the bottom option) in the install or it will not work properly.
3)Post the time in gmt when you can devote at least 2 hours to getting the game up and running.
4) Choose a nation to play (The max is 18 people, so hopefully, should be ok). Whilst you'll have to pick a civ and thus one of its leadrs (who have various bonuses), its aesthetic and unique units and buildings. Don't worry if you think 'native americans' sounds stupid. So long as you can come up with a noun, adjective and description for what you actually want it to be called, it can be basically whatever you want (the mod we are using also changes the name of your civ based on its government, cool eh?). Confederanacy of Dakoria? Kingdom of Johnsonia? City state of Rick Perry? People's republic of silly cat pictures? Why the f**k not?
Civilisations as of 3041bc
-Johnsonia (aka the english) - Boris Johnson
-Rome - The Comrade
-The Iroquois - (reserved for the Dharma Bum)
-The Arabs
-The Chinese
-The Indians
(with no doubt more to come as the game goes on!)
Can't play right now, no worries. Civ4 allows us to put an A.I team of your choice in for you, that we won't kick the shit into too much for you to take over at a later stage. Or alternatively, jump in as one of the civilisations that has revolved from another civilisations (extra interesting if this happens to be from a civilisations of a poster, well, you don't necessarily 'get on with') or just one thats poped up mid game. I'll be keeping everyone else informed of whats going on in game every time we finishing one of the 2 hours (or whatever) sessions.
-Unlike civ4, unrest doesn't simply mean decreased production in a given city, its now capable of becoming srs buizness. Every city has a revindex (check with the little che icon top left), once a city gets to 1000 (you'll be warned at 900) it can revolt and turn into a new A.I controlled civilisations (the A.I no joke either as I previously detailed) and other cities near by above 600 can join in. You can either choose to placate them (let them join another civ or grant independence) or you can try and crush it. Watch out though, civil wars can be f**k brutal and the fact your having one will be broadcast to most if not everyone else playing.
-Stacks now act as single 'army' units. No more micromanaging, simply send them towards something you want deaded and units that can bombard will bombard (archers can now too), melee units will uh... melee, planes will pew pew pew.
-capturing cities can now give you access to the previous owners tech's
-forts can now expand territory.
-barbarians cities can now form their own civilisations that'll be 'minors' and thus hostile to everyone. Also if you let barbarians capture one of your cities, they become 'hordes' minor civs with lots of bonuses for fighting and shit. Careful, boyo.
-Fighting spreads influence, so again, careful not to go the way of the Western Roman empire.
-Tech's now spread, so if you think your going to remain at the cutting edge for ages, you won't.
-It ain't all about how many guns and knights and shit you've got, don't underestimate culture or trade, especially don't underestimate religion or guilds/corporations.
-check the civpedia (extreme top left, book icon) 'strategy guides' out.
-cities can go to 3 tiles out as opposed to just 2 now, careful though, starvation bad, unrest worse.
-great commanders can now act as range buffers for all units around them, I think far more useful that adding them to cities or attaching them to particular units.
-use alt-x or ctrl-x to help plan your cities
-if you fortify something that bombards, it'll take potshots at anything unfriendly that comes close to it.
-oh, and of course.