Re: Lincoln trailer
Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:21 am
by PoS
As long as the battle sequences are good (Speilbergo can do them well as in Saving Private Ryan) then it should be worth the price of a ticket.
Re: Lincoln trailer
Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:35 am
by RoyBatty
Damn. That looks like it'll end up being 1 giant syrupy cliche. Plus it's missing the giant alien CGI robot pirates. And where's the damned vampires?
I have to try hard to reserve judgment, been looking forward to this movie just too damned long to give up on it yet. Score doesn't seem entirely bad, a bit Armageddon-esque maybe. Plus trailers are designed to ooze melodrama, if only so the retard brigades are willing to shell out some of their crystal meth money at the box office instead.
My fingers are still crossed.
Re: Lincoln trailer
Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:52 am
by eynon81
Being a civil war nerd my view of Lincoln is less as a godlike paragon of virtue and more like a brilliant politician and all around good/charming guy whom history forced to do the right thing.