by Spider » Wed Feb 19, 2014 7:59 am
Did you even read the article? If yes...come again? If not, read it. You'll benefit.
Just remember: Everyone else has been following bitcoins for years. Just because this is all new to you, and an ideologically pleasing way to lose money, doesn't mean it holds any mystery for the rest of us. So you can leave you Cap'n Obvious cape next to the bathrobe for the time being.
You ranted on the boards for months about bitcoins at about the same time they wound up finally getting TV coverage...and now they've suffered a severe crash and so you feel the need to try to save face. Its only the internet. Don't sweat it.
Personally, considering the timing with the media interest, I think you fell into this thing very recently, and have at least three different complexes about it.
Otherwise, why so typically troll my post?
Next on horse races. For srs.