by The Dharma Bum » Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:17 pm
1. US real estate laws are based on the principles of georgism. You must pay a tax to own land. The state retains alloidal title (actual ownership) and will seize any property for which this tax is not paid. Controlling real property and owning real property are not the same thing. You only control what property society agrees that you control.
2. Regulation is simply making private business submit to democratic control. Why continue the pretense of class society if this occurs? You pointed out yourself that unfettered capitalism is "feudalism" ie class society. It's not like the ruling class has demonstrated a level of competence that shows they are useful in any way. Clearly they are only interested in enriching themselves at everyone else expense while our society and our infrastructure fall apart.
If the point is to remove that particular social factor (class society), what is the point of retaining private property? The only purpose it serves is to deprive others and make them dependent on the owners of private property for employment. How does this serve the needs of post industrial society? The answer is it doesn't. We no longer need mass human labor, so not only is wage slavery unethical it's useless given today's social context.
So you agree in principle with the pressing need for democratic control of production and distribution (regulation), but for some reason you want to retain the current social classes? Seems sort of irrational to me.