EU is still the largest single economy in the world.
And despite all the failings of southern europe, it appears to be going nowhere. In fact what looked like the least likely option a year or two ago, that is much greater fiscal intergration. Is now looking like the likely option. In short, the E.U supra-state marches on.
I'm afraid the world is going to have to start getting used to the fact that europe as the 'E.U' is relevant again. Its all good and well to say 'we are the rising stars rarara imperalism'. But London's not going anywhere, Frankfurts not going anywhere, Amsterdam is not going anywhere etc etc. Most of the worlds finacial services are european and opeate within the framework of an increasigly intergrated european market. So why shouldn't they be the most prominent factors?
Whilst I would agree that the UNSC needs reform, but to suggest that there is some sort of equivalency, is just the sort of anti-imperailist rhetoric upon which Brazil seems to increasigly be carving out its place in the world predicated upon. Furthermore, the IMF upon which still emerging markets like Brazil and fully developing markets like. Frankly when they are will and able to offer sigificant finacing to the IMF that can and should change. But realistically is that going to happen for at least a decade.
And I say that as someone who does not want further British intergration into the E.U. and who loathes london as the "international center of finacial bastardism" -Charlie Brooker.