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Postby Ace30 » Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:37 am

My niece asked me what kind of a Boxer I would have been, if I had my size, strength and abilities today, back in the 1920s.

So I said, come here I show you something...
and I took a 1 1/2 inch thick solid wood board, and screwed 2 inch thick drywall onto it, and reinforced it with wood beams, and another piece of wood board behind it.

I put on a pair of boxing gloves... and leaped right to the wall with my hands out.... clapped my boxing gloves together....

And gave the wall and left jab, which punched through the drywall, and the wood board behind it... knocking out one of the wood beams.... immediately follow it up with a straight right punch, which also punched through the drywall and the board... and broke one of the wood beams, and cracked the back board.

Then I said...
The fight would have been over... and most likely... if they were hits to that guy's head... he would have died.
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Re: Boxing

Postby Winchester » Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:42 am

Guns are the great equalizer to deal with menaces like you. ;)
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