Putz; a noun:
1. a stupid or worthless person.
2. vulgar slang
a penis.
1. engage in inconsequential or unproductive activity:
"too much putzing around up there would ruin them"
4. 1960s: Yiddish, literally ‘penis. …
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Donald Trump is a putz. A putz is more of a character rather than a mental deficiency. There are ignorant putzes and all putzes are stupid. ‘Ignorant putz” is not a redundancy of terms but rather refers to the extent of the putz’s ignorance.
Trump is not unintelligent but his character did not benefit from the education he received. I doubt if it’s ignorance rather than his lack of appreciation that accounts for Trump’s disregard of the democratic concepts upon which our government was founded and for what our society considers as simply common civility and decency.
Even those of his classmates that have not dealt with drastic financial difficulties can empathize with those that done so. Due to the putz’s lack of empathy, Trump possibly believes his own references and implications that he attributes his deriving respect or admiration from Latinos, his employees, and others due to his own admirable character. He’s also on at least one occasion (that I’m aware of), very publicly boasted of his large penis. He apparently doesn’t discern the difference between behaving or having a big prick.
Education and/or information are remedies for ignorance and to that extent there’s hope that an ignorant putz’s condition can be somewhat improved. At an early age it must have become apparent that Trump was a putz; throughout his entire life his character is not likely to improve.
I fear that he could be the first putz ever elected president of the United States. I additionally fear if Hillary Clinton is elected it will be presumed by many that the Democratic party need not modify their methods and platforms.
Respectfully, Supposn