There's more happening in the USA on Nov. 8th 2016 than the

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There's more happening in the USA on Nov. 8th 2016 than the

Postby ClarkKent » Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:14 am

Would you like to see a brand new Congress USA?

The Truth about Consensus :

2016 Independent & Third Party, on the Ballot, Candidate Interviews : These candidates specifically are the ONLY third option in their area/district

I believe if a candidate has gathered enough signatures to be on the ballot and has a statistical chance to win then a responsible media will include them in the debates and interview them, to educate and inform the public of their options.

There are 435 members in the US House of Representatives, elected every 2 years – it was designed that way on purpose, to be the least resistant, most peaceful and quickest path to reform, in our democratically elected Republic.

Talking with people regarding Congress is a lot less divisive then Presidential politics.

There are about 324 million people in the USA.

There are about 219 million people eligible to vote and about 146 million registered to vote.

42% are independent
29% are Democrats
26% are Republicans
<1% are special interests
Who has the most influence do you think?

If there were 10 issues important to you, and 5 issues had popular consensus and 5 didn't, which 5 would you prioritize first?

I advocate uniting and winning, instead of being divided & conquered.

There will be plenty of time to argue on things that we disagree about AFTER we pass legislation regarding important things we agree upon :

1. Accountability & Transparency reforms, freedom of information, integrity safeguards, auditing our government.

2. Civil Liberties, NSA privacy & spying, preserving the Bill of Rights, due process.

3. Corporate Cronyism, Lobbyists, no bid contracts, bailouts, the revolving door.

4. Military Spending, mission creep, regime change foreign policy, Congressional approval & oversight.

5. Ending the Drug War, reform the justice system, asset forfeiture, demilitarization of police, private prisons, mandatory minimums, quotas, racial profiling, industrial hemp.

6. Election reform, open primaries, Election Day holiday, fair debates, rank or score voting, none of the above option, paper trail.

7. Fair and Free Trade.

8. Promoting an environment of growth and opportunity, less regulation and more competition for small and mid-sized businesses.

Does competition matter?

The fundamental question is Not : whether one should vote for independent or 3rd party candidates - Rather : WHY? DO REPUBLICANS & DEMOCRATS REPRESS EQUAL COMPETITION IN DEBATES AND ELECTIONS? Who are they disallowing? (ask yourself this) because if they do that to Them - they ARE doing it to You and to all of Us - we ARE the independents and 3rd party's; as more people realize this (and the consequences thereof) there will be more questions, options, relevant information and choices.

Is WHAT matters - HOW the game is played?
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Re: There's more happening in the USA on Nov. 8th 2016 than

Postby spacemonkey » Thu Sep 29, 2016 11:54 am

The epi pen fiasco proves we are too glutton pig greedy for fairness. Greed and a finite world will be our undoing eventually because no one wants to find the lines between not enough, enough, excess, absurd excess.
The hardest part of doing nothing is knowing when your done.
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