1. Few Americans seem to know the notorious work of scientific racism of Madison Grant, Prophet of American Racism, and his active role in crafting strong immigration restriction and anti-miscegenation laws in the US. The dirt of American racism has been swept under the carpet for some time now, but it seems to be blowing all over the country after Donald Trump lifted the old, torn carpet to be replaced with a red carpet for his grand entry into the White House.
2. ...The seed of Nazism’s ultimate objective—the preservation of a pure white race, uncontaminated by foreign blood—was in fact sown with striking success in the United States. What is judged extremist today was once the consensus of a powerful cadre of the American elite, well-connected men who eagerly seized on a false doctrine of “race suicide” during the immigration scare of the early 20th century. They included wealthy patricians, intellectuals, lawmakers, even several presidents. Perhaps the most important among them was a blue blood with a very impressive mustache, Madison Grant. He was the author of a 1916 book called The Passing of the Great Race, which spread the doctrine of race purity all over the globe....
Source: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/ar ... sm/583258/