by Kane » Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:07 pm
If these were true cuts they wouldn't be called a sequester or have zero impact on long term debt or deficits. This is, as everybody is well aware, a political tool. The Republicans are just petulant children in this scenario. Their economic ideas and policies mirror those of the austere Europeans, they would result in utter ruin (As we saw with their earlier runs).
I guess we could go down the path of Europe and cut shit left and right. Look at what it's gotten them! Record unemployment, consistent pmi indices contracting, unemployment among the young skyrocketing thereby destroying the future of untold millions and ruining future earnings potential (also...government revenue), and a brain drain that's leaving Spain, Ireland, Greece, and coming soon Italy with nothing left to look forward to.
I'm not the biggest fan of Democrats either but from a purely objective standpoint what the Republicans want and what they've offered are usually two things:
A Political Talking point devoid of substance