This is the man who is leading in the Republican Party (the "family values" party) for PRESIDENT. This is a reprint Vanity Fair is running from their
archives. Donald's "cruelty" to his first wife (even his kids nor MOTHER could ignore), his contempt for his wife when splitting marital assets, his flagrant affair. (He made public pronouncements about his love life while he was still married). WOW! Think of wealth of material for negative attack ads. (He could end up making BILL CLINTON look like a prince). And that's just about his personal life. Wait'll 'THE 4 bankruptcy DONALD' meme takes off, the contractors he screwed over, the 'extorted' deals, the public BAILOUTS, public loan guarantees. So much material to work with. Ad makers will have a helluva time picking which subject to go with first! ... ie-brenner