Recovery might not be as bad as initially thought. Depends on the 'rona and our ability to cope with secondary outbreaks/testing capability. Recent actions eliminating anitbody tests indicate our testing ability is worse than we thought. ... going.htmlWe're still looking at unemployment in double digits by years end though. I think that we're not prepared for another outbreak yet and that if proper planning isn't implemented we're looking at a "W" recovery that will take longer still. Market is being supported by the Fed, Treasury, and individual investors. As time goes on and numbers are more solidified I expect another sustained drop. Larger corps are only now starting to suffer - Hertz, Airlines starting to lay off huge % of workers, Boeing to lay off huge % of workers, etc. Because of the HUGE number of unemployed I expect while most may get back to work an unemployment rate above 10% throughout the year will weigh on GDP and overall growth - Q2 and even Q3 likely won't show growth and will remain negative. No "V" recovery, maybe a "U" depending on your expected timeframe, but most likely a Nike "Swoosh."
It just takes time. We're only opening up now and I think people remain optimistic about returning to work as if nothing happened and don't yet realize the damage done to smaller businesses everywhere. Feds most recent beige book indicates a 1/3 of smaller businesses are likely not coming back. People are still in denial.