by Indy » Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:35 am
People keep saying that the party is moving to "the right," which I find odd. This isn't "the right" this is moving over the cliff.
Shutting down the gov't, defaulting on the debt (again), sequester, obsessing over bizarre non-issues like Benghazi, birtherism, black people and Muslims. This is flat-out batshit crazy.
BTW there was a story I believe on NBC News this week about formerly middle-class families crushed by the recession, including one in Naperville, IL (a nice Chicago suburb) where the wife lost her job and then the husband. They went from making like $180K/year to zero. Then he got a job--a part-time one. So now they make $30K/year. That means they need help--not just from the gov't, but from food banks, etc. They're trying to help neighbors who find themselves in the same boat.
Not quite the visual you get from FOX now, is it? As they wield their boners for slashing all social programs because according to them (and the GOP) these programs are nothing more than schemes to take money from you, hard-working white guy, so that lazy black folk can buy flat screen TVs and play Xbox all day while using food stamps to buy malt liquor and smokes.
I also saw this week that one out of FIVE American children live in poverty. WTF? And of course there's the war on health care--the insane, jihadist war on health care--because somehow this is socialism and these same bozos keep claiming we have the "best health care system in the world." Really? For whom?
But of course all will be solved and nirvana will be achieved if we just keep slashing taxes for the top 10% and corporations (who are people too), bombing Muslim countries and having investigation after investigation into Benghazi.
How. Did. This. Happen?
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