What scares me is this combo: guns + religion + rejection of things like science. Gosh where have we seen that before?
Did you see those guys at Dealey Plaza this week? More open-carry dudes, marching around ranting about how nobody's going to take their guns (um, in Texas? Probably not, bro) as they brandished their assault rifles (tasteful, BTW, considering where they were standing although that was probably the point).
On camera, it took but a few seconds for one of them to go on... wait for it.... wait for it... a birther rant.
20 years ago these people would be called, I don't know: lunatics. Fringe. A cult. Demented.
Nowadays they're starting to run for and win office.
The only thing I can theorize--and this is total armchair stuff--is that once the Cold War ended, we were now without that existential enemy that we apparently really need to stay somewhat united. Then 9/11 happened but because AQ isn't a country or even something you can't pin down except to target a... religion, so people went crazy. So now the enemy is apparently their... neighbor. Or some hodge-podge of gays, blacks, Mexicans, women on the pill and atheists.