The problem is we can't take any side but that of supporting the Israelis virtually unconditionally at this point because otherwise you are set upon by right wingers and/or the Israel lobby as being "anti-Semitic" or pro-terrorist or not supporting the one democracy in the region, blah, blah, blah. So we just keep sending them checks and arms.
They're beyond criticism in this country.
And yes, it's totally valid to ask WTF Hamas is doing provoking a clearly overwhelmingly superior country militarily by firing rockets into it from civilian areas but then again that's probably the point--to draw an excessive response that kills lots of innocents whom they can then parade in front of the cameras. If you think that's unique to them, BTW, let's not forget that dirtbag "patriot" outside the Bundy ranch talking about putting wives and daughters in front of them should a shootout start so they can parade THEIR bodies before the cameras.
The problem is that all the outsiders simply take one side or the other instead of calling both sides on their bullshit.
Just like here in America, politically.