People should be hypocritical?
WTF? Uh, no.
Actually the problem with "pro-life" is that it's a misnomer, which is why so many of the positions are indeed hypocritical if you're going to call yourself that.
But none more hypocritical than executing mentally ill people, or refusing to hear possibly exculpatory evidence on a death row inmate, which one would think you'd give the utmost priority since you allegedly hold "life" in such dear regard.
Also believing in gov't infrastructure (as opposed to...?) is not an either/or choice with a free market. The system works best when we have a free market
cradled in sensible gov't regulation. Which is what we've lost and why we're in trouble now, as the gov't has been captured by the "free market."
So I'm really curious to see what Perry's excuse will be if he lets this man die because now he's compiling a history of allowing this to happen.