Most American's don't realize that those services which are not provided to the government end up on the shoulders of large groups of the population. Everyone else may pay a marginal, nearly inconsequential amount more to provide everyone with healthcare, but lack of access to healthcare is an earth shattering problem for those without healthcare. Student loans may only affect current students, but there is an entire generation of people paying what amounts to a second income tax just to service the cost of their education. No one gives a shit about an extra 5% in the gas tax or the VAT, but lives are f**k ruined for people who get sick without healthcare, or people who have crushing student debt.
This is why America is going backwards, we embark on suboptimal policies and then delude ourselves into thinking we are more free. America spends more of it's GDP on healthcare than any nation with socialized medicine. The argument that the tax savings offset the cost is absolutely ludicrous. It's been empirically proven we spend significantly MORE on healthcare than we otherwise would in a socialized system. We refuse to curb the cost of education and insist 18 year olds shoulder the burden of paying for it. What do we get? A generation that cannot afford to buy homes or get marred. Providing basic services to people is not a handout, it's a social investment, and this country does very little if anything to invest in it's own citizens. It's a stupid f**k outlook based on emotion and fairness rather than on practical realities. Yea, it may not be fair for someone to get welfare and not work at all, but if it keeps their kid from being hungry and slacking off in class, and that kid goes on to become a taxpayer, we reap the rewards in spades. Yet most people will just sit around grunting about how that's unfair, ignoring the fact that good policy is not for the sake of fairness, but for the overall well being of society.
We have entire regions in this country that are literally third world. It's f**k embarrassing we have places like Mississippi, where half the residents would probably be better off taking their chances living in Romania or Mexico. The American dream is f**k dead for most Americans, simply not going backward is looking like the best possible outcome. But that's what happens when you don't invest in your population.