by jimmyz » Tue Apr 21, 2015 1:20 pm
I'd support the abolishing of the death penalty and prison sentences for non-violent offenders if all welfare to able bodied adults were abolished. As well, non-violent offenders would be publicly caned and made to pay restitution in money or labor to the victim(s) of their offense.
There would be government or NGO administered soup kitchens and in-school feeding centers for indigent children. No more food stamp program. I wold also institute bare-bones housing facilities to house and feed able bodied adults who refused to be a productive working citizen.Their food intake would be dependent on their food production by their labor at their facility.
I'd also offer free sterilizations to anyone who wanted one. If you were part of the permanent indigent adult population I'd offer one free used car of moderate value as inducement to get the free sterilization.