by Homer » Mon May 04, 2015 12:36 am
Of course public sector unions should exist and play a role. If you want a high standard of employees, you need to offer decent pay and benefits. You need an organisation who will work with employees over grievances in the workplace, an organisation to maintain health and safety standards, and to fight for adequate funding for the organisation.
I've worked in the private and public sector, and the one thing I've noticed is the argument right-wingers say about the state being inefficient is untrue. State organisations are at least as efficient if they have adequate funding. When governments pander to the 'Tax is theft' brigade, they start penny pinching, and state departments end up having to spend time and effort justifying and lobbying for every penny spent. They also have to make do with inferior or outdated infrastructure.
Give them adequate funding, so they're not having to have meetings and god knows what whenever they want to buy a pen, and they will perform at least as well as the private sector, and you'll get better value for money as a tax payer.