Why Hide Advanced or Alien Technology?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3RJ5kmCI54Profits and masses controlled by the feudalistic globalist corporate elites. While they enjoying the accumulate wealth, the advance tech also provide technological luxuries for them that are not available to the ordinary people, just like in Roman times, the elite had running water, flush toilets and hot bath. The common, got nothing, can only go to brushes and cold bath.
It's still a system of masters and slaves as long as we allow them to suppress and control advance and important information. Knowledge is power. The slave masters only allows the slave knowledge to do his / her job and no more, because to know more would be to invite rebellion.
This master-slave concept of need to know has been incorporated into modern day national security top secret classification systems, where the need to know and SAPs, Special Access Programs, are often not even controlled by governments, but by corporations which in turn are controlled by the globalists.
Beside the truth of alien existance and present on earth is important, but It's also a time to take this Globalist control issue seriously.
God and Jesus is not only the Creator, also the highest authority, most powerful & advance deity in the enite universe. Much more powerful than any other advance aliens.
Good alien/Angel would acknowledge Jesus is the Lord and Savior and came in flesh