1. The anti-gay fervor that has erupted over the past 2 years is doing nothing but serving the interests of the pro-gay movement. I believe that everything is speeding up as result. Within the next 4 years sexuality will be a protected class and Same Sex Marriage will be legal and recognized everywhere in the US. This would have taken a lot longer if the bigots simply stayed quiet and possibly pushed civil unions. Old people are dying and the children of the 90s are of voting age. The tide has turned and the bigots are losing fast.
2. Denying sale of a cake is not a "free exercise of religion." I can't believe you're still arguing this, Galt. the FEOR is about being allowed to pray when you want, go to your own church, etc. There is nothing religious about selling cakes or taking pictures, etc. It has absolutely f**k all to do with religion.
It's one thing to argue businesses should have the right to discriminate because of free choice, but it is not related to religious freedom in any way, shape, or form. The reason for discrimination is irrelevant.