by nordictruce » Wed May 28, 2014 4:33 pm
I Don't understand how i'm a douche bro clique whatever. I'm just a dude that is mad because women NEVER have any responsibly for rape.
I gusess I believe in levels of rape
I believe the dude that breaks in your house and ties you down and rapes you should be put to death.
I believe the dude that slips some crap in your drink in the club and takes you home and has sex with you while you're passed out needs to go to jail.
I believe that the girl who goes to the club / party and has 10 shots of vodka then doesn't remember what happens that night, if she was honestly raped i believe the guy should do some jail time, but i think america needs to ask that women why are you doing 10 shots of vodka in the club to put yourself in that position in the first place. No one asks that question and to ask that question means you're rapey or whatever.
and like i said, i'm jaded beucase of the chick that tried to accuse me of assaulting her when she got piss drunk when I didn't touch her.
maybe i am a pig f**k it lol. But the above is how i feel from the bottom of my heart, for better or for worse.