by Indy » Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:46 am
Really all I'm hearing here is: everybody is to blame therefore nobody's to blame, yada, yada.
The Democrats are certainly no shining example but at this point the GOP's only ideology is to burn down the damn country. They're the Reverend Phelps of political parties at this point. They should be marginalized and ignored.
Just the very fact that they've voted 41 times--41 TIMES--do repeal a law that was passed, challenged in the SCOTUS and affirmed, and then obviously with enough approval to get Obama re-elected shows the kind of batshit insanity we're dealing with here. That, and here they are now trying yet AGAIN to hold the entire country hostage if Obama and the Dems somehow cave and give in to their demands to un-do it.
BTW I will remind you all that the GOP has absolutely zero alternative to Obamacare. They let the health care debacle sit there for eight years during Bush and then when somebody tried to do something about it, they certainly got off their asses--to stuff all attempts to fix the problem.
The GOP at this point is just a stumbling, rotting vampire walking the streets and we need somebody to drive a stake through its heart so we can start over. For six years now all they've done is sit around and bitch about Obama/The Left, while offering no ideas of their own (except for slashing taxes for their plutocrat masters) and doing everything they can to crush any idea that even they used to support, because it's Obama. Unless that idea has something to do with replacing science with childish religious beliefs or stuffing minority voting rights or slashing aid to the poor, while race-baiting endlessly about blacks, Mexicans and Muslims.
Welcome to your 2013 GOP. You can throw up in your mouth now.