by Spider » Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:12 am
America can be exceptional at something, or unexceptional at something, just as can every other country.
American Exceptionalism, on the other hand, is the belief that Americans themselves are exceptional, simply as a consequence of being born within this set of imaginary lines as opposed to whatever other set. Its a belief in magic, basically. That being spawned within this polity means a person is born with pixie dust in their hair or something.
Its the belief that people in one country are just a little bit better than people in another country.
And so yes...its completely idiotic. People are just people...everywhere. There are no better or worse people.
I guess if we could go down all the lists of social achievements and find ourselves ranked first in everything with a margin before the next population, it could be claimed that we generally exceptional. But we can't. We, just like everyone else in the developed world, are more or less in the same statistical ballpark. We come out ahead here and there, and come out behind here and there. Middle of the road.
Its just a matter of which measures you happen to think are most important, I suppose. Its a subjective judgement.