by Sazari » Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:13 am
Yes, and often when custody agreement are worked out the father forfeits many of his rights because he knows he would get slaughtered in court. Clearly the laws depend on the jurisdiction but in just about every one the father is going to get the short end of the stick. Child support for example. It's still extremely taboo in society to have a mother paying alimony or child support to a father and mothers who do pay child support default at a rate twice as high as that of men.
At the end of the day society still views a mother as the most fit guardian by default. Usually it is the father who has to prove she is incapable of taking care of the children, not vis versa. Think about someone like Mr. Bill (no offense here) sitting on a jury. The father is going to get shafted not because the law says he should, but be cause the law permits ingrained societal bias to come into play. It's slowly changing but it's absurd to think custody laws don't favor the mother.